Friday, November 23, 2007

Fab Abs

A few last words before we begin out workout. First: You should workout at least three times a week. And you should change your workout at least once every week. Simply because after a while your body gets used to the workout if you do it often enough. And you wont get the benefits you once were from it. So alternate between 2 or more workouts to keep your body in shape.
Second: These workouts can be used for boys or girls. Only a couple have a slight variation between a few of them. Don't worry, I'll make it clear what they are.

Ok. How about we start out with an Ab workout? Abs seem to be one of the biggest problem areas for a lot of people. I found this video on part, no crunches!). It looks good, so it will be our first week. The video suggests doing this for only three days a week along with your regular routine. Well since I don't have a routine yet, I'll just use this to ease into the workout progress. It only shows each move for one rep(however long it shows the move for. For example it shows the side reach(left) 4 times. That is one rep for the left. Another 4 times on the right is another rep. Another 4 times on the left again, is 2 reps for the left). The video is about 3 minutes long and silent. So I suggest listening to some music.
I'm going to start with 2 reps for each exercise.

Things needed for this workout: A 3-10 pound weight. I'm starting with a three pound. If you don't happen to have any weights you can use packaged food. Packaged food usually tells you how much it ways on the box/bag. If possible use frozen packaged food to avoid the temptation of eating it.
Body parts worked: Abs, shoulders, butt, thighs, and obliques.

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