Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Reward system

I understand how hard it can be to stick to your new diet/exercise program. There are days when you just get to lazy, or when that piece of chocolate is calling out to you. But there's no need to let yourself suffer!
I was talking to my friend Chrisi and she told me about giving myself a reward. She said that when her mom was on a diet whenever she went a whole week without skipping or cheating she would reward herself with something she liked to do or a little bit of chocolate (not a a couple cookies).

I think that's a great idea! So every week I stick to my plan I'm going to reward myself. Now the trick figuring out a reward. Let them vary every couple of weeks so you don't get bored with it.

Another thing Chrisi's mom did was a countdown calender. She had one of those huge calenders with 2" squares. She would write what she planned to do each day, and put numbers in the boxes counting backwards till her goal was complete.
I think that's also a good idea, but because I don't have a huge calender I went to and created a timeline/calender thing.

Chrisi's mom also kept a food journal (it was in a notebook) of what and how much she ate. I don't know if that's such a good idea, but then again, it could let you know if your overeating or cheating. And that might make you feel guilty so you won't do it anymore....I think I'll try that too.

Oh, and I found healthy cake, brownies, and cookies on (i think thats what its called) I don't know how "healthy" chocolate can really be...or how tasy...but I'll make some later and let ya know.

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