Thursday, December 6, 2007

Comparison: Drinks

Every school has fads. But mine is only slightly different. One of the biggest fads my school goes through is what to drink. Strange right? I thought so too. Last year it was Gatorade, then Powerade, and then Propel. And this year its VitaminWater. Sounds healthy right? Well exactly HOW healthy are these drinks? You’ll notice that Powerade and Gatorade have a lot of sugar and sodium(which is why you get a salty after taste). Which is good, IF your working up a sweat. Gatorade and Powerade replace what we lose through our sweat. And that’s about the only healthy thing about them. And don’t worry about those calories. If your working enough to need a Gatorade/Powerade then you’ll work them off in no time.
VitaminWater also has a lot of sugar. About three spoonfuls worth. Sure its less then a can of coke (39g) and it does have some vitamins. But still, you’d be better off eating fruit or taking vitamins. And your gaining 125 extra calories.
And lastly we have Propel. To be honest, Propel is my favorite. Especially the mixed berry. Low on sugar has some vitamins, calcium, and so on. It also has a bit of sodium for if you’re working out. And only 30 calories per bottle.

So, in my opinion, VitaminWater is the least good for you. If anything I would treat it as a coke and only have one a day (or less). As for the other three, it really depends on what you’re doing. A really sweaty workout should have Powerade/Gatorade. A not so sweaty workout should have Propel/water.

Propel and water could also be used as just a drink for when you’re thirsty.

(please click on thumbnail for bigger image)

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