Thursday, December 27, 2007

No more workouts

From me anyway. Partially why i took such a huge break was because i couldnt manage everything. (My workout, school, homework/project, a life, watching the siblings and finding a workout that would actually help with your goals. Im mean really! Im only 15)
So from now on I'll only be posting recipies, health facts, tips, ideas (and if i do find a workout i like...then i will post it).
But dont fear, I wont just leave you guys out in the ocean.
This website is totally free, just enter some info on yourself, and bam! It gives you a workout program and a meal plan. Though i found the meal planner to be very confusing. So i wouldnt recomend it.
And since we'll be starting off again, we are back to week one. (heh heh, dont be to mad)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

New year resolutions

Every year people make the same resolution to lose weight. Unfortunetly not everyone keeps that resolution for longer then a couple of mounths.
Heres a link to six steps to help keep that resloution (most of these steps we've already discussed)
6 weight loss tips

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Comparison: Drinks

Every school has fads. But mine is only slightly different. One of the biggest fads my school goes through is what to drink. Strange right? I thought so too. Last year it was Gatorade, then Powerade, and then Propel. And this year its VitaminWater. Sounds healthy right? Well exactly HOW healthy are these drinks? You’ll notice that Powerade and Gatorade have a lot of sugar and sodium(which is why you get a salty after taste). Which is good, IF your working up a sweat. Gatorade and Powerade replace what we lose through our sweat. And that’s about the only healthy thing about them. And don’t worry about those calories. If your working enough to need a Gatorade/Powerade then you’ll work them off in no time.
VitaminWater also has a lot of sugar. About three spoonfuls worth. Sure its less then a can of coke (39g) and it does have some vitamins. But still, you’d be better off eating fruit or taking vitamins. And your gaining 125 extra calories.
And lastly we have Propel. To be honest, Propel is my favorite. Especially the mixed berry. Low on sugar has some vitamins, calcium, and so on. It also has a bit of sodium for if you’re working out. And only 30 calories per bottle.

So, in my opinion, VitaminWater is the least good for you. If anything I would treat it as a coke and only have one a day (or less). As for the other three, it really depends on what you’re doing. A really sweaty workout should have Powerade/Gatorade. A not so sweaty workout should have Propel/water.

Propel and water could also be used as just a drink for when you’re thirsty.

(please click on thumbnail for bigger image)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Reward system

I understand how hard it can be to stick to your new diet/exercise program. There are days when you just get to lazy, or when that piece of chocolate is calling out to you. But there's no need to let yourself suffer!
I was talking to my friend Chrisi and she told me about giving myself a reward. She said that when her mom was on a diet whenever she went a whole week without skipping or cheating she would reward herself with something she liked to do or a little bit of chocolate (not a a couple cookies).

I think that's a great idea! So every week I stick to my plan I'm going to reward myself. Now the trick figuring out a reward. Let them vary every couple of weeks so you don't get bored with it.

Another thing Chrisi's mom did was a countdown calender. She had one of those huge calenders with 2" squares. She would write what she planned to do each day, and put numbers in the boxes counting backwards till her goal was complete.
I think that's also a good idea, but because I don't have a huge calender I went to and created a timeline/calender thing.

Chrisi's mom also kept a food journal (it was in a notebook) of what and how much she ate. I don't know if that's such a good idea, but then again, it could let you know if your overeating or cheating. And that might make you feel guilty so you won't do it anymore....I think I'll try that too.

Oh, and I found healthy cake, brownies, and cookies on (i think thats what its called) I don't know how "healthy" chocolate can really be...or how tasy...but I'll make some later and let ya know.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Workout 3: Exercise Ball

OK! I'm back from my unplanned hiatus! So lets get started. First and foremost I want to tell you: keep your back straight at all times!! I can not emphasize this enough! Its much better to do few repetitions with proper form then to do many with bad form. So, lets begin.

While scrolling through Youtube I found this short little series of exercise ball warm ups. There are only six videos (one move per video) each about 2-3 minutes long. (If you want you can skip to the very last video. When you get to the last video all the things you learned in the first 5 come together to create one warm up. But I recommend viewing the first 5 so you can perfect it easier) Now since I know not many of you have gotten an exercise ball this wont be an exercise. Just do these prior to one of the other two workouts (or both if your that good). (Unless this is two difficult for you then just concentrate on perfecting your form and let this be your exercise.)

Now there is a warning at the beginning of each episode. (Stating that you should consult your doctor before beginning any workout program. If you have any health problems or injuries, then yes, I highly recommend that you do. (and I feel like an idiot for forgetting to mention that to you all earlier) But if you don't have injuries or any health problems then you will most likely be fine.

Video one
Video two
Video three
Video four
Video five
Video six

Monday, December 3, 2007


Omg Sooo sorry! Ive been really busy with school and things lately that i havnt been able to post. But I'll post new exercises and recipies tomorrow! Promise! I hope that you all have been keeping up with those two exercises (or at least one) from before.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Week one is over

Well, our first workout is over with. It took me about 8-9 minutes (a night) to do. (I did two reps for each. Which means I watched the video through twice and then went back and did two more reps of the "seesaw" and "reverse wood chop" for my other side). It didn't get me panting but it did give my muscles a wake up. Perfect for our starter wouldn't you agree? Hopefully, in the future, our starter workout will become the "warm up".Oh, and if you were wondering why I didn't add stretches for a "warm up" is because we weren't doing anything that really required a "warm up". Actually, anything that doesn't strain the body too much can be considered a "warm up". Besides, we'll get into stretches later.

Yesterday I went out and bought a fitness ball. (10-30 dollars at Dicks sporting goods. Mine cost $11) The size you get has to do with your height( 4’11-5’3 should get 55cm, 5’4-5’10 should get 65cm, and 5’11 or taller should get 75cm) I have been finding a lot of great exercises using the fitness ball. But because those aren’t something everyone has lying around the house I won't post any fitness ball exercises until next week. Oh, and while your at it, pick up some weights while your at it. (A.K.A Dumbbells or hexes. The plain metal ones aren’t that expensive) But as long as you have easy to hold items that weigh the same as the weights you need, you’ll be fine.

Until then I leave you with this video I found on youtube.(again, three times a week)
“5 minute Lower Body exercise routine with Dr. Tim”